The Truth About Butter & Fertility Health

The Truth About Butter & Fertility Health


Humans have been using butter for around 9,000 years..

But somewhere along the lines, it got a bad wrap. And in the last 150 years, fake versions were introduced.

Margarine was invented by a French chemist in 1869, when fats and oils were scarce in Western Europe. It was originally an extract from animal fat, but today margarine is mostly made from vegetable oils..

Vegetable oils are made through a very lengthy refining process that includes high pressure & heat, chemical treatment, bleaching and deodorising.

Refined oils are a concern because they are high in omega 6. Excess levels of omega 6 have been shown to cause inflammation, hormonal imbalances, vitamin E depletion, gut dysbiosis, IBS, mental illness, autoimmune disease, cancer and weight gain.

These vegetable oils to avoid are:

- Sunflower Oil

- Rice Bran Oil

- Peanut Oil

- Soy Oil

- Canola Oil

- Corn Oil

- Safflower Oil

- Grapeseed Oil

- Cottonseed Oil

Now let’s compare this to grass-fed butter..

Butter is basically just milk fat, also known as butterfat.

The right fats are essential for supporting reproductive health, immune function, a healthy gut, healthy skin, and aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E and K.

Butter is so unbelievably nourishing, containing Vitamin A, D, E & K2, Butyrate & Calcium. These nutrients support your fertility in so many ways, including:

- Vitamin A:
It’s the most abundant vitamin in butter, and is essential for the development of the oocyte (immature egg) and essential for the growth of the baby. A lack of vitamin A can reduce luteinizing hormone, which is important in ovulation.

- Vitamin D:
Important for testosterone synthesis, supports ovulation, improves quality of endometrium, aiding in implantation success, supports fetal growth and skeletal development and regulating placental function & placental hormone levels

- Vitamin E:
A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E is often found in fatty foods and promotes sperm function in men.

- Vitamin K2:

Shown to improve symptoms of PCOS, improves testosterone production, improved sperm counts. Important for prenatal development as it has been linked to teeth formation and central nervous development.

- Calcium:
Plays a vital role in the development of a baby’s bones, blood vessels and heart.

- Butyrate:
Feeds our good gut bacteria, potentially used as a treatment for IBS and Crohn’s disease.


Butter vs. Ghee

Butter is made up of butterfat + milk proteins
Ghee is made up of only butterfat

This means that ghee is more concentrated in fat than butter because its water and milk solids have been removed. It also means that it has next to no lactose and casein since the protein has been removed!

This is why ghee is a great alternative for those who don't tolerate whey and casein (two types of protein found in cow's milk) and lactose (sugar in milk). Ghee provides all the same benefits + extra goodness as it's the fat only!